Tuesday, May 10, 2011

half way done

Mom is doing well.  She is halfway done with her treatments and is feeling great.  The neulasta is keeping her white cells up and now she is on procrit every Tuesday for her falling red cells.  Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday she will be getting her 4th set of treatments.  The doctors plan is to do another PET scan after those treatments and see what is happening with the cancer.  From my (Leslie) viewpoint she is MUCH improved from the beginning of this adventure.  She is able to breath with no problems and is able to walk around and do things in a way that we have not seen in quite a while. 
This coming Saturday is the local lung cancer fundraiser so all the kids/grandkids will be in to support mom!
Thanks again for all the prayers! God is great!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11

Finished 2nd chemo round...am still on menace for gaining weight...it's working...I'm outgrowing my pjs...the three nurse crotchets are hAppy right now...les and wen are I Tahoe skiing...Kathleen and Jules are in charge..more later...the kids make me laugh!!!! Thank all of you for your prayers and love and concern

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It' a good day!

Mom had an appointment with the oncologist today. All good news. She is responding great to the chemotherapy they are giving her. Her breathing is great, her blood counts are excellent, she put back on 2 pounds, her strength is returning and he estimates the tumors have shrunk 80% already. She started her 2nd set of chemotherapy today and was at the doctors for 5 hours and had more energy than me when we got home. I am amazed at her Great attitude and stamina.
We have started "Team Thaler" for the upcoming RUN AMUCK with the DUCK fight lung cancer walk/run that is coming up May 14th. Please go to www.yournextstepisthecure.com and sign up to support mom under "team Thaler"

Thanks to all for your prayers. They ARE working!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby flies march 21

The kids are hovering around like baby flies and yes Pam I am grateful I did not pinch their little heads off when the were young. Diane, last week you said something about me being wonder woman...by Saturday I felt like wonder worm! On my way back up though! Thank you for the meals, flowers and scratch offs...but mostly your prayers and love. I am surrounded by my kind loving wonderful family and my favorite has finally arrived!
Margaret and Wendie

P.s. To my dear siblings....mom prefers me! :@)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Not a good day

Woke up with fever and feeling puny. Went in for neulasta shot and ended up staying for I.V. Fluids. Good new is cancer cells are being killed off quickly. Bad news is her body is having a hard time expelling them quickly enough which is causing tumor lysis. The doctor gave her allpurinol so her kidneys will be healthy when all this is done.
She actually ate a little something this evening. Yipee!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday march 17

Mom is responding well to chemotherapy. We are on our way to do #3. She is experiencing minimal nausea and seems a little stronger today. Her color is improving as well as her spirits. Because of her supressed immune system we are asking that there be no visiting or flowers. She has however said she will be accepting scratch off tickets with a grateful heart ;-)
Thank you all for the emails, Cards, blogs, and prayers!!